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Saturday, January 29, 2011 Y 1:41 PM

Friday, February 19, 2010 Y 3:46 PM

It is the tiger year! This is equivalent to me being 24 since I am also born in the tiger year. Time flies and I have already pass through 2 rounds. Suddenly feel that I am so old le. =(

This year cny was as usual. Spent a whole day doing spring cleaning on cny eve. During spring cleaning, I realized that I still keep a copy of my secondary school english notes on summarising skills. Haha...I believe that I kept it coz I feel I will still need it. Had a wonderful reunion dinner at my granny's house that night and we started playing cards. I won about 11 bucks that night.

The first day I went to temple to pray to my great grandparents before proceeding to my granny's house for breakfast. Next, I went to my granny's good friend (my lao yi) house and lastly my mum side granny house. Saw my cute little nephew, Shalom. He is already turning 2 this year. Super cute and he is full of expression. He can walk and say simple words. When he arrive, he became the center of attraction and my granny just keep saying she want more great-grandchildrens.

On the second day, my relatives came over to my house at about 2.30pm. Then we started playing cards again and had steamboat for dinner.

Some of my students msg me some new year greetings while some wish me online. Augustine asked if they could come over my house to bai nian. However, I am not very keen on the idea of them coming to my house. Haha.. had a conversation online last nite with my ex-sec 5. Supper funny. Here is the conversation:

Student A: Yo! Miss Lim, Happy new year! How are you?
Me: Happy new yr too! Studying in NIE now lor..
Student A: U be teacher not bad ma...can clique with students :)
                 already a very good trait to be in the line of teaching
Me: Ya lor..I too nice...always give you all bully
Student A: Where got..we so nice to you..where got bully u
Student B was added into the conversation
Me: Saw your facebook photos, you guys keep drinking ar...
      Underage still drink...
Student A: Where got always..
                 New year mah..everyone happy so drink lor...
Student B: I next time do big business need drink alot de leh
                 so must start from young
Me: Wa..someone say next time do big business.
       Next time rich le must treat me
       Dun walk on the street..see me pretend u dunnoe me
Student A: hahas won't lah..you walk pass me i sure "EH..MISS LIM..yoyoyoyo"
Student B: I go eat buddha jump over the wall
                 I treat you eat old chang kee
Student A: LOLL...cheap skate
                 I treat u 6 star hotel banquet
                 one table 1300+ net...for u 1 person
                 hahaha!...VIP somemore
Student B: i bring u go dubai 7star hotel stay president suite
Student A: i bring u go europe...8star hotel...haha
Student B: No 8 star hotel..onli 7 star max..
Me: LOL...i shall record this down..when u all rich next time..i go find u all
Student A and B: Sure!

Haha..super cute rite..I was laughing non-stop when I read their conversation.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010 Y 11:50 PM

Finally got my graudation photos taken and posted up. I graduate in July but I drag till late Decemeber to have the photos taken. Well, I do not really like the photos. The pose looks so unnatural. =(   

Baked pineapple tarts on Sunday and it was super tirring. However, seeing that container of pineapple tarts that I baked, I feel a sense of achievement. I shall make the effort to bake every year. =D

Thursday, February 4, 2010 Y 2:19 PM

Felt loved to always have nice people around me.

On Tuesday, Ben (my ex-student) suddenly call me and ask me where am I. I was a little surprised and just answered him that I am at home since I had no school on Tuesday. He paused and say "I am now in NIE library. Actually, I wanted to find you for lunch. But since you are not in school then nvm." Suddenly, I felt touched. My student would make the effort to call me out for lunch when he come to NIE. Another of my ex-sec 4 student, Jenny, also send me a little cute tissue holder and a nice hand-made card with a thank you message. For those who knows me, whenever I see a card, especially a hand-made card, my heart will melt. Thanks Jenny!

From my students, I learn how innocent and pure friendship could be, how they can actually fully put their trust with people, how they can really smile and give you comments from the bottom of their heart. This is something that I could not find in the adult's world whereby everyone is smiling so fakely. I hope that they could remain this genuine pure heart forever. 

Of course, not forgetting my lovely colleagues, Hidayah and Kok Bin. Kok Bin will always help me with my heavy stuff and provide lame joke that brighten up my day. Hee! Nice to have such a lame friend around =p. Hidayah msg me that she missed me after not meeting me for like a whole week becoz of e-learning and today, she just msg me to go out for lunch together. I missed her badly too! However, I just reborned my hair, so I cannot go out. Thanks ger! I get ur thoughts!

Monday, February 1, 2010 Y 10:40 PM

There was Baker's Challenge on Friday at NIE. It was a race whereby each group sends in 4 members consisting of at least 1 female to run 2.4km. My GESL group took part and our 4 runners are: Britmand, Patrick, Flince and Helen. I was in the cheering group and we did mini green posters to cheer for them.

Doing up the mini i-ONE poster

Our Fantastic Runners!

The cheering team!

Jia You!

I felt so bad that I had to leave before my groupmates run the race as I had to rush down to Kallang for ah mei's concert.

Got 4 free tickets from my aunt for the ah mei's concert so I invited Hui Ping, Seok Yan and Raymond. It was my first time attending a concert and Hui Ping was late!!!! I already felt so bad that I did not stay on to cheer for my group mates and leave earlier while Hui Ping who is travelling from home was late!!!
I do not really like her new songs. I prefer her old songs. However, the concert was mainly on her new songs although she did sang a few of her old songs like jie tuo, ting hai etc... Her voice is fanatstic especially when she sing solo without the music. Can hear the power in her voice. Overall the concert was still not bad. After the concert, we went to eat supper at Bukit Timah and reach home at about 1.30am.

After my tuition on Saturday, I went out for dinner with Wing. We ate at Hereen's Waraku and the service was apparently bad. They do not have enough staff and they do not refill the hot water. They took a long time to serve the food and the refill the water.
After dinner, we went to watch Avatar. Wing bought tickets for the 3D one and it was a super nice movie. I love it and I feel it is worth the 14 bucks. Wanna thanks Wing for accompanying me to watch although he has already watched it. Reach home at about 1am. Was super tired for 2 continous day of late nites out

Friday, January 29, 2010 Y 3:39 PM

I realise that I have not logged in my blog for a long long time. Haha...well since I am super free now, I should just update my blog.

I am currently in NIE and I am stuck at here for the next 1 year. Currently, I only have 2 modules (ICT and Educational psychology), so I only need to go school for Mon and Fri. Super sian. Although I am veri slack now, I did not like the modules. They are so arts, while I am such a science person. It has been ages since I last write essays and now all my assignments are essays. =(

I enjoyed my time more back in ZSS. The students especially my grad class kids are so cute. Enjoy my time with them. They never fail to make me smile even though they make me angry at times. Their unique way of thinking and their innocent thoughts always amazed me. I will definitely miss them and remember my this batch of students who made me like teaching. =D Wishing them all the best in their future!

Sunday, August 2, 2009 Y 12:20 AM


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Lim Kai Xin.
5th Nov 1986
A simple and ordinary gal

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